In OQ you can choose what you really need. For this we have a convenient tariff designer.
No offices! You can connect to OQ remotely from anywhere in the country.
OQ also provides access to exclusive content for its users! Listen to music, watch TV, movies and TV series without consuming data.
OQ - nothing superfluous.
- Endi aloqa to'lovini yanada oson va qulayroq qilish uchun bank kartangizni OQ'ga ulashingiz mumkin.
- Istalgan OQ raqami balansini to'ldirish imkoniyati qo'shildi. Masalan, qarindoshlar yoki do'stlarning OQ raqamlari balanslarini to'ldirishingiz mumkin.
- Now you can link a bank card to OQ to make paying for communications easier and more convenient.
- It is now possible to top up the balance of any OQ number - for example, the OQ numbers of relatives or friends.